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AFHL Franchise - Program Self Assessment

The AFHL is constantly striving to provide quality development opportunities to emerging Elite Female hockey players throughout Alberta. As part of the Operational Standards and Hosting Agreements, Host Franchises agree to annual Self-Assessments to assist in future decisions for the Elite Female Committee.

Please take some time to complete this Self-Assessment by selecting your response in each area and uploading the necessary supporting documentation. The form can be completed in more than one sitting by clicking SAVE FOR LATER. If you are unable to complete in one sitting, please ensure you copy and save the survey link and password to continue the survey at a later time. Once you click SUBMIT, the form will be transmitted directly to Hockey Alberta and we will initiate the next steps of the Program Assessment process.

If you are unable to upload the requested documents when submitting the form, they can be emailed to Kendall Newell, Manager, Female Hockey.